6 Tips for Finding the Best Trail Camera Solar Panel for Your Needs

Last updated on February 6th, 2024 at 04:14 pm

Trail Camera Solar Panels: Everything You Need to Know

In the evolving world of wildlife observation and hunting, trail camera solar panels stand out as a game-changer. These innovative devices revolutionize how we power trail cameras, crucial tools in modern wildlife tracking and hunting. Here’s why they’re indispensable:

  • Sustainable Power Source: Solar panels harness sunlight, offering an eco-friendly, continuous power supply. This reduces the frequent battery replacements, a common hassle in remote wildlife monitoring.
  • Enhanced Camera Longevity: With solar power, cameras operate longer, capturing more extensive and valuable data.
  • Cost-Effective: While initial costs may be higher, solar panels save money over time, cutting down on continuous battery purchases.
  • Adaptable to Various Environments: Whether it’s a dense forest or an open field, these panels adapt to different sunlight conditions, ensuring reliable camera operation.

Embracing trail camera solar panels is a smart move for anyone serious about wildlife tracking or hunting. Their ability to provide sustainable, cost-effective power in diverse conditions makes them an essential tool in your wildlife monitoring arsenal.

What Type of Solar Panels are Used for Trail Cameras?

When it comes to trail camera solar panels, we have two main types: external and internal. Let’s dive into their differences:

External Solar Panels

These are separate units, offering more power but at a higher cost and with complex installation. Ideal for cameras in shaded areas or with high power needs.

  • Used to provide supplemental power to the trail camera’s internal battery.
  • Often connected via a cable to charge the camera’s battery.
  • Can be mounted on a tree or stand separately to absorb sunlight.
  • Allow the camera to be placed in shaded areas while still getting solar charging.
  • Examples include the Tactacam Reveal 12V External Solar Panel and Moultrie Camera Power Panel

Trail Camera with Internal or Integrated Solar Panels

Internal or Integrated Solar Panels

Built into the camera, these are less powerful but more cost-effective and easier to install. Best for sun-drenched spots and infrequent usage.

  • Built into the trail camera housing itself.
  • Provide direct charging to the camera battery.
  • Allow for all-in-one convenience without extra cables or mounts.
  • Enable solar charging even if the camera is in a shaded location.
  • Examples include the Campark T80 trail camera with integrated solar panel.

Types of Solar Panel for Trail Cameras based on Voltage

Next, solar panels are also differentiated based on their voltage.

The voltage of a solar panel refers to the amount of electrical potential that is generated by the panel. The higher the voltage, the more electrical potential the panel can generate.

The voltage of a solar panel refers to the amount of electrical potential that is generated by the panel. The higher the voltage, the more electrical potential the panel can generate.

6V and 12V solar panels are two of the most common types of solar panels available. 6V solar panels are typically used for small devices, such as trail cameras and garden lights. They are less expensive than 12V solar panels, but they also produce less power.

12V solar panels are typically used for larger devices, such as RVs and boats. They are more expensive than 6V solar panels, but they also produce more power.

Feature6V Solar Panel12V Solar Panel
VoltageOutput voltage is around 6 voltsOutput voltage is around 12 volts
PowerLess powerfulMore powerful
CostLess expensiveMore expensive
ApplicationsSmall devices, such as trail cameras and garden lightsLarger devices, such as RVs and boats

6 Tips for Choosing the Right Trail Camera Solar Panel

Picking the perfect solar panel for your trail camera can be a game-changer. Consider these six crucial factors:

  1. Trail Camera Type: Different trail cameras require different power levels. Ensure compatibility with your specific trail camera model.
  2. Sunlight Amount: Panels need sunlight to function efficiently. Consider how much direct sunlight your camera site receives daily.
  3. Battery Usage: Consider the power consumption of your trail camera and how much power the solar panel can generate to sufficiently recharge the batteries. A higher wattage panel is needed for cameras that capture more images or video.
  4. Voltage: Match the solar panel’s voltage with your camera’s requirement. Commonly, it’s either 6V or 12V.
  5. Power: Assess the power output of the solar panel. Ensure it’s sufficient to keep your camera operational for extended periods.
  6. Compatibility: Not all solar panels fit all cameras. Verify connector types and compatibility with your trail camera.

Make a well-informed choice, and your trail camera will thank you with uninterrupted service!

How to Install a Trail Camera Solar Panel? Step-by-Step Guide

Trail Cam Solar Panel Installation Step-by-Step Guide
Image Source: https://go.spartancamera.com/

Installing a solar panel for your trail camera doesn’t have to be daunting. Let’s walk through it, step by step:

  1. Find the Perfect Spot:
    • Choose a location with maximum sun exposure.
    • Avoid shaded areas for optimal performance.
  2. Mounting the Panel:
    • For external panels, secure them to a sturdy object like a tree or pole.
    • Make sure it’s sturdy and won’t move in windy conditions
    • Ensure it faces the sun for most of the day. You might need to adjust the angle of the panel to maximize sunlight exposure.
  3. Connect the Solar Panel to the Charge Controller
    • The charge controller is crucial to regulate the voltage and current from the solar panel to prevent overcharging the camera’s battery.
    • Connect the positive and negative terminals of the solar panel to the corresponding terminals on the charge controller.
  4. Connect the Charge Controller to the Camera
    • Most trail cameras have a DC power input jack. Use a suitable DC power cable to connect the output of the charge controller to the camera’s power input.
  5. Manage The Cables
    • Arrange the cables in a way that prevents them from snagging on branches or being damaged by animals.
    • You can use cable ties or clips to secure them
  6. Test the System
    • Before leaving the setup unattended, test the system to ensure everything is working correctly.
    • Monitor the battery level over a few days to ensure it’s being adequately charged.
  7. Regular Maintenance:
    • Periodic maintenance is necessary to ensure the system continues to function effectively
    • Check the solar panel for dirt or debris that might block sunlight, and ensure all connections are secure.

How to Maximize the Efficiency of Your Solar Panel for Trail Cameras?

Optimal Placement and Maintenance

  • Directional Alignment: Position your panel facing south if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere. This orientation maximizes sun exposure throughout the day.
  • Height Considerations: If the panel is mounted high, use a long-handled brush or wiper to remove debris.
  • Angle for Optimum Sunlight: Adjust the panel’s angle according to your latitude; about 30 to 45 degrees is often recommended.

Enhancing Performance

  • Cleaning Techniques: Use a soft cloth and mild soapy water for cleaning. Avoid harsh chemicals.
  • Specific Products for Cleaning: Microfiber cloths are effective for gently wiping off dust without scratching the panel.
  • Safe Cleaning from a Distance: Consider telescopic cleaning tools or a hose with a gentle spray setting for hard-to-reach panels.
  • Regular Inspections: Check for obstructions like tree branches or bird nests that may block sunlight.
  • Battery Efficiency: Opt for high-quality rechargeable batteries like Energizer Recharge Universal or Panasonic Eneloop, known for their long life and reliability in various temperature conditions.

Solar vs. Battery-Powered Trail Cameras: A Comparative Analysis

AspectSolar-Powered CamerasBattery-Powered Cameras
Initial CostHigher upfront investmentGenerally lower upfront cost
MaintenanceLess frequent (reduced battery changes)More frequent (regular battery replacement)
Environmental ImpactEco-friendly, uses renewable energyNegative impact due to battery disposal
DependabilityPerformance varies with sunlight availabilityConsistent performance in various conditions
Long-Term CostsCost-effective over time (saves on battery costs)Higher ongoing costs due to battery replacements
LifespanGenerally 2-5 years, up to 10 years for high-quality modelsDepends on battery life and camera quality

How Long Can a Solar Panel Camera be Used?

The lifespan of a solar panel camera depends on a number of factors, including the quality of the camera, the amount of sunlight the camera receives, and how often the camera is used.

In general, the longevity of the camera also depends on regular maintenance, such as cleaning the solar panels and ensuring proper battery function. This can help extend the lifespan of the camera, which on average, can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years or more.

Also Read > Best Trail camera with External Solar Panel: 8 Picks for 2024

How Long Does it Take for a Solar Panel to Charge a Trail Camera?

The amount of time it takes for a solar panel to charge a trail camera depends on a number of factors, including the size of the solar panel, the amount of sunlight the solar panel receives, and the size of the trail camera battery.

For example, the SPYPOINT lithium battery solar panel, which has a 15,000mAh battery, can be fully charged by the sun in about 24 hours. It also includes a DC power adapter to charge by plugging it in, which will take about 5 hours. However, like any solar panel, it will perform best in areas where full sun is available for as much of the day as possible. The panel’s angle is adjustable to help with this, and keeping the panels clean from dirt, debris, and pollen can keep performance as high as possible.

So, while there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, in optimal conditions, a solar panel can typically charge a trail camera within a day.

Are Solar Trail Cameras Worth It?

Are Solar Trail Cameras Worth It
Image Source: https://www.spypoint.com/

Whether or not solar trail cameras are worth it depends on your individual needs and budget.

Solar trail cameras are more expensive to purchase than traditional trail cameras. However, they save money in the long run because you don’t have to buy batteries or worry about charging them.

Solar trail cameras are also more convenient than traditional trail cameras because you don’t have to worry about running out of batteries. This is especially important if your trail camera is located in a remote area.

If you are looking for a convenient and cost-effective trail camera solution, a solar trail camera is a good option.

Additional benefits of using a solar trail camera:

  • environmentally friendly.
  • easy to install and relocate.
  • durable and weatherproof.

Also Read > 9 Cellular Trail Cameras with Solar Panel to Save Money in 2024

Wrapping Up

Overall, solar trail cameras are a good investment for hunters, wildlife enthusiasts, and anyone else who needs a reliable and convenient trail camera solution.

We hope this article has helped you to learn more about how to choose the right trail camera solar panel for your needs. If you are looking for more information about trail cameras, be sure to check out our blog post on “Exploring the 12 Best Trail Cameras for Security in 2024“. In this post, we review the 12 best trail cameras on the market for security purposes, based on factors such as image quality, video resolution, night vision, and price.

FAQ Section

What is a Trail Camera Solar Panel?

It’s an accessory that uses solar power to charge the battery of a trail camera, enhancing its battery life and efficiency.

How Does a Solar Panel Benefit Trail Cameras?

Solar panels reduce the need for frequent battery replacements and provide a sustainable power solution, especially for remote or outdoor usage.

Can I Connect a Solar Panel Directly to a Trail Camera Battery?

Yes, using appropriate cables and, if necessary, a solar charge controller, you can connect a solar panel directly to the camera’s battery.

What Voltage Solar Panel is Best for Trail Cameras?

Most trail cameras operate on 6V or 12V. Match the solar panel’s voltage to your camera’s requirements.

Are Solar Panels Compatible With All Trail Cameras?

Not all solar panels fit all cameras. Check compatibility, especially for specific models like Spartan, Tactacam Reveal, or Herd 360.

How Do I Mount a Solar Panel for a Trail Camera?

Mount the panel on a stable structure, such as a tree, ensuring maximum exposure to sunlight.

What Are the Maintenance Tips for Solar Panels?

Regularly clean the panel with a damp cloth and inspect it for any damage or wear.

Can Solar Panels Power Cellular Trail Cameras?

Yes, most cellular trail cameras are compatible with solar panels, allowing for extended remote operation.

What Should I Look for in Customer Reviews When Choosing a Solar Panel?

Look for reviews mentioning the panel’s efficiency, durability, compatibility with different trail camera models, and overall performance in various weather conditions.

Brands like Creative XP, Moultrie, and Spypoint are often recommended for their quality and compatibility with various trail camera models.

Is there an advantage to using a solar panel with a built-in lithium battery?

A solar panel with a built-in rechargeable lithium battery can be advantageous because it stores excess power generated during the day. This can be utilized by the trail camera during nighttime or when sunlight is insufficient to create power, ensuring continuous operation of your camera.

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